How To Have a Happy and Healthy Halloween

  • 2 min read



All around the United States, the crisp air of fall is starting to appear. This time of year is synonymous with pumpkins, fall foliage and, of course, Halloween. Whether you have children or you’re enjoying this holiday alone, finding ways to make Halloween 2021 memorable should be your top concern. 

While there are a number of good things about this holiday, there are also some unhealthy temptations lurking around. If you are committed to staying on your diet and off of junk food, then you need to make a plan of action. Here are some things you can do to ensure you have a happy and healthy Halloween. 

Make Some Healthy Sweet Treats

Americansbuy over 600 million pounds of candy annually to celebrate Halloween. Not only can these sugar-filled treats wreak havoc on your waistline, they can also leave you feeling down once you crash a few hours after ingesting a few pieces of candy. Instead of subjecting yourself to the negative effects that too much sugar brings, you need to figure out how to indulge your sweet tooth in a healthy way. 

The best way to accomplish this goal is by using the peanut powder offered by the team at Flavored PB Co. With our peanut powder, you can make some delicious treats likecocoa-nut donut cookies orsalted caramel banana nut muffins. Not only are these treats delicious, they also contain far fewer calories and sugar than standard Halloween candy. Our peanut powder is beloved by health-conscious consumers because it is:

  • Cholesterol free
  • Gluten free
  • Low carb
  • Contains 75% less calories than other powders
  • 90% less fat than traditional nut butter

Once you taste our healthy peanut powders, you will see why they are so popular. 

Get a Good Walk In

If you have children, then taking them trick-or-treating to celebrate the Halloween holiday is important. One of the best ways to indulge your health obsession during this activity is by walking to all of the homes you visit. Walking around is also a great way to take in all of the sights and sounds Halloween has to offer. Instead of spending the entire night behind the wheel of your car, get out and enjoy this experience with your children.

Hand Out Toys Instead of Sugar-Filled Treats

Are you expecting a number of kids to trick-or-treat at your home? If so, you need to start planning to figure out what you will give each ghoul and goblin that knocks on your door. Rather than giving children unhealthy treats, you need to think about giving out toy-packed goody bags. 

If you have enough healthy sweet treats leftover, then you might want to give them out. In most cases, you can buy smaller toys online in bulk at a discount. This is a great way to ensure you have plenty of goodies for your guests. 

There are so many things you can do to keep your Halloween fun and healthy. With these tips, you can enjoy your night without feeling the need to consume unhealthy treats.



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